“All I have to say is WOW !! Cut time from 8 hours to do front 2 windscreens on a EC120 to a little over a hour. NO joke… I have polished windscreens for 4 years you guys made the job a lot easier. Thanks Again.”
- Mechanic, Defense Support Services , U.S. Customs & Border Protection, 2013
Thank you very much, the new product line works fantastic!
- Maintenance Department, Papillon-Grand Canyon Helicopters
Your product works great. I have used it on three aircraft since receiving the kit and have had amazing results and customer satisfaction.
- Maintenance Technician, Richmond Jet Center
These kits were phenomenal downrange. D CO maintenance was using them on the phase birds early in the deployment and we were pleased with the results. Definitely a good investment by the Army, saved the replacement of more than one transparency.
- Maintenance Plt Sgt, U.S. Army
I demo’d it for a crew and cleaned gunner’s windows in 16 min’s. Pilot and Co-pilot windows in 2.5 hours each. Pilots windows are $1200 Each. They are using the kits… as we speak on the pilot’s window. [Given the price of the kit] “If you only did the gunner’s windows and the cargo doors, 3 UH-60’s cost more than the kit. This is a “No Brainer.”
- DOL/ALMD QAR, Ft. Campbell, KY
“We are in Iraq using the hell out of your window kits and cleaner… all the crew chiefs and pilots love it.”
- Aircraft Maintainer, U.S. Army National Guard
Yeah the products worked great, they made a huge difference.
- Director of Maintenance, Dream Line Aviation
We purchased the EZ Clear kit in 2009 as we began working a RESET and Limited DEPOT repairs on Department of State Air Wing aircraft. We have aging aircraft and the plastic windows had seen better days. We purchased the first system to try and see how it would work out for us. The results were almost instant, after polishing the windows look brand new. We initially used the system on our helicopter fleet and then expanded it to our fixed wing fleet. We recently placed an order for another kit for use on our aircraft that we have assigned to Patrick Air Force Base. I cannot say enough about the kit, and we have received no negative feedback from flight crews as far as distortions. System is easy to use, we have mechanics and corrosion control / painters doing the window polishing. Type aircraft we have used EZ clear on: Huey II, UH60, Cessna C208 Caravan, C27
- Country Maintenance Manager, DynCorp International, Department of State Air Wing
“[We have] been using the Plastek EZCLEAR products since 2008 on a high end single engine turbo prop aircraft with plastic windshields that are prone to scratching. We have found this to be a very high quality product that is easy to use with minimal training. We now save several hours of labor on each aircraft and are able to polish more windows both inside out. Our customers are very pleased with the results. This is one of the fastest and easiest products to use for removing any blemishes on aircraft windows and we highly recommend this product!”
- Project Manager, New Avex
I can report good results: I had some pretty deep shop rash and some haze as a result of misuse of a windshield cover in wind and ice conditions. I used the more aggressive abrasive and pad first on the rash and then the milder solution with what I later found was a too-slow speed on my buffer. Despite that, it worked well, but took longer than expected probably because of low rpm. The finishing worked very well and the view was as good as it gets. Including taping off the cowling, ladder moving, playing with Shop Dog and lunch, I expended about three hours. And the next day, I cracked it while drilling a hole for a new 2" vent, so it was all for naught and I have a new one! (which fits properly, unlike the old one, so it works out okay). Having the opportunity to both repair and then replace the windshield is a very favorable and graphic argument for the former. In my case, a replacement window for my 66 year-old PA-12 is fairly easy to come by and the price is reasonable even in Alaska, but there is quite a lot of trimming and checking and no small amount of opportunity for disaster with a slip of the saw or drill. It took days. I had quite a few interested drive-bys while working on it and three people stopped by to talk. I showed the kit contents and the instructions, and subsequently gears could be imagined in motion. I got the impression that they had not considered that such a thing was possible, let alone how economical it is to recondition rather than replace. No photos, sorry. This is a good product. I have repaired aircraft windows with a combination of abrasive paper and polishing products that I know about from finishing guitars, but this is better by orders of magnitude. The differences in the abrasives are just right to efficiently complete the task without leaving anything wanting. The expertise in determining those steps is evident.
-Mike, Private Pilot, Alaska
© 2025 EZCLEAR. (Formerly Plastek LLC)